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  • Justin Bibby

    Hey, Steve. Been a casual fan for a long time. I’ve heard you on RebelForce Radio and TechnoRetro Dads. And I’ve listened to GOL infrequently. Well, I’ve been listening to the back catalog and want to binge the entire show. I feel like this will be a show I listen to multiple times through. I went back to episode 1 on the apple podcast app. It was a great first episode and very cool to listen you thoughts on stuff I loved back then. But I noticed the episodes 2-25 are unable to play. I even went to the site to try to listen and they too are unavailable. I was wondering and hoping there is a way I can listen to these “lost” episodes. Thank you so much for a positive fun place ti Geek Out Loud.

  • Eddie Ginsburg

    Listen to Disney Vault Talk and just want to say thank you for the podcast. Hope everyone involved with the podcast is well. Teresa and Steve are missed. Any chance they will put out new shows? Thanks again

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